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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

MDT / LiteTouch rebooting in loop

This can happen when these folders still exist on the computer or on your litetouch media. (Usually from a previous mdt type installation)
  • _SMSTaskSequences
Steps to solve the issue
  • Delete the folders
  • Boot into your litetouch environment
  • Press F8 as soon as you see the background
  • Type the following:
  • Diskpart
  • Select Disk 0 (Make sure this is the disk you want to erase/format)
  • Clean
  • Reboot the computer and boot into the litetouch environment or type startnet.cmd

Using MDT with Lenovo hardware

Some of you may already know this but the %Model% variable within customsettings.ini will not work for Lenovo based hardware. This is due to the fact Lenovo puts their "model type" in that field, and puts the actual model name in the Version field.

So this leads to issues when trying to inject drivers or software based on lenovo model,

But do not fret, there is a solution!

Once implemented you can then use the %LenovoModel% variable in customsettings.ini

Modify the ZTIGather.wsf to create a new LenovoModel variable
' Get the Lenovo Model Version from the Win32_ComputerSystemProduct class
' Siva Mulpuru | 10:30 PM Monday, February 14, 2011 Set objResults = objWMI.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")
For Each objInstance In objResults
sLenovoModel = objInstance.Version
if sLenovoModel = "" then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Unable to determine LenovoModel tag via WMI.", LogTypeInfo
End if
Thanks Siva for writing the script!
You can find his original post here, I've pasted the code for ease of copy paste :D

MDT 2012 Beta 1 is out!

Here are some of the new features and changes!
(Taken from the official release documentation)

MDT 2012 Beta 1provides new capabilities, such as:
  • Support for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Beta 2, including the new application model and user device affinity (UDA).
  • Improved Lite Touch partitioning, supporting the preferred partition layouts described in the Windows Automated Installation Kit.
  • Support in Lite Touch for deploying 64-bit Windows® to computers that support Unified Extended Firmware Interface (UEFI) (without requiring compatibility support for legacy BIOS).
  • New Lite Touch “Deploy to VHD” task sequence templates that support deploying a Windows 7 or Windows Server® 2008 R2 image into a virtual hard disk (VHD) file that can then be used for booting the OS (“boot from VHD”).
  • Added support for deploying Windows ThinPC and Windows POSReady 7.
  • Improved Lite Touch wizard lookandfeel.
  • Continued support for System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 and all operating systems supported by MDT 2010.
  • Many bug fixes and other small improvements.

 Download MDT 2012 BETA 1 Here